My first exposure to Yosemite was a post card pinned to the refrigerator at an employer's break room. It was the a picture of the valley, and it was so incredible that I said to myself "I'm going there one day".
That one day was in spring of 2007. Since then, I've told anyone that would listen that they need to g check this place out because words don' t do it justice. The annoying thing about this treasure is that there are plenty of people who have live in California their whole lives who have never seen it. We spend 3 days there, and I wish I had carved out a whole week.

We got as many hikes as we could in. We hiked the Sentinel Dome, BridalVeil Falls, Mariposa Grove, Taft Point and I'm sure a few i'm forgetting. It's a place that is so beautiful that it sticks with with you the rest of your life.